Migration from Olat 7.x to OpenOlat 8.x
- Stop Tomcat
- Backup your olatdata, your webapps directory and make a database dump
- Delete entire webapps-Directory of OLAT
- Extract OpenOlat.war in the webapps-location
- Edit mistakes in Updatescripts for mysql-DB
- 'alter_7_0_x_to_7_1_0.sql ' row 182 is missing a space after the comment
- 'alter_7_1_x_to_8_0_0.sql ' row 163 throws error since the index cannot be created.
- Run DB-updatescripts
- File olatdata/system/configuration/org.olat.core.helpers.Settings.properties
- has to be emptied.Not doing so will result in a reference to the old design.
- The apropriate content of this file will be made by the System on it's first run.
- Update olat.properties and olat.local.properties
- Start with a new olat.local.properties, do not just copy past the old one as many things have changed
- Comment out anything regarding Onyx
- db.hibernate.ddl.auto isn't allowed to have any value
- Convert UTF-8 database
- in case the key db.url.options.mysql in your property-files contains useOldUTF8Behavior=true
- remove this option and execute the following commands.
- $>mysqldump -h localhost -u root -p --opt --default-character-set=latin1 --skip-set-charset olat > olatDbToImport.sql
- $>mysql -h localhost -u root -p --opt --default-character-set=utf8 olat <olatDbToImport.sql
- Restart tomcat
- Go get a beer and have fun!
As mentioned earlier this is mostly a summery to help and
most of the informations(except point 4 and especially 6)
can be read about here:
or in the manual/Instructions coming with OpenOlat.
Original post of this migration guide was contributed by 'Oliver' on the mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/openolat/browse_thread/thread/1e067ba1da43a4af